
In-person in Chandler, AZ; virtual across Arizona.

“EMDR has taken me from debilitating anxiety to a life I truly thought wasn't available to me. I am in complete awe.”

– Privately Disclosed

Anxiety isn’t just feeling a little stressed.

It’s that constant pit in your stomach, the racing thoughts that won’t shut up, and the tension in your shoulders that never goes away. 

Maybe you’ve rehearsed that conversation with your boss a hundred times in the shower, but when it actually happens, you’re still sweating bullets. 

Or you find yourself avoiding social situations because you’re convinced you’ll somehow end up being the person who accidentally sets off the fire alarm again

You’re constantly on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it’s taking a toll on your relationships, work, and overall sanity.

Now, picture this: waking up and feeling ... calm.

Your mind isn’t racing, and you’re not already on high alert before your feet even hit the floor. 

You actually enjoy your morning coffee instead of chugging it just to function. 

You’re not running through the mental checklist of everything that could go wrong, no longer triple-checking that you locked the front door or turned off the stove, because you finally feel in control. 

Life feels manageable, even enjoyable, and you’re actually looking forward to what’s next instead of dreading it.

Let’s get you back in control—no more overthinking, just real solutions that work.

We get to the root of what’s been keeping you in that anxious loop. 

Whether it’s deep-seated fears, old trauma, or just the grind of everyday stress, we’ll help you untangle it all. 

No fluff, no endless talk therapy—just straight-up strategies to help you take back control of your life, so you can stop panicking over what your mother thinks, much less Karen from accounting’s hot take, and start living for yourself.

Who this type of therapy is for:

  • • People who are tired of their anxiety running the show.

  • • Those who avoid social situations because the “what ifs” are too much.

  • • Individuals who are constantly on edge, waiting for the next disaster.

  • • Anyone who’s ready to stop overthinking and start living.

  • • Folks who want to feel calm and in control for the first time in ages.

Meet The Team

Ditch the endless worry and start living life on your terms.